
The construction of a closed crossing under the Tab-Yaha River is completed

“BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC has completed the construction of the main gas pipeline crossing under the Tab-Yaha River.

The project “Reconstruction of the closed crossing of the main gas pipeline across the Tab-Yakha River” was hold by our team under the order of our regular customer and partner GAZPROM PJSC. 

According to project “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” performed the closed crossing with the diameter of 56 inches and total length of 781 meters. The horizontal-drilling technology was used for crossing implementation.

To perform works in a full size there were two machines used simultaneously. The drilling was carried out by using the PrimeDrilling PD-500/150 drilling rig. In order to reduce the load on the rotation and increase the rate of reaming of the 64-inch and 72-inch diameter boreholes, the work was carried out synchronously with a second PrimeDrilling PD-400/125 drilling unit.

Also at the project there an extra equipment was used. In order to reduce the load on the drilling machine while the pulling of the pipe into the borehole there also the Herrenknecht 750 reamer, that usually we use in Direct Pipe method, was used.

All the work has been lasting since August till November and was complicated by low temperatures and the presence of permafrost in soils.

Thank the team for the good job and congratulate with successful implementation of the project!

*the photos are for illustrative purposes only


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