
Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption Activity

The anti-corruption activities of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Combating Corruption” dated July 15, 2015, local regulatory legal acts, anti-corruption internal documents of organization.

In accordance with the high standards of open and honest business, commitment to improve corporate management and culture, maintaining business reputation at the highest level, BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC pays special attention to anti-corruption measures. The company’s policy includes the integrative anticorruption approaches at all the official levels. The anti-corruption activities of JSC BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC are based on the following principles:

  • Transparency
  • Openness
  • A personal example of management
  • Efficiency
  • Legality
  • Involvement of the company’s team
  • Responsibility
  • Inevitability of punishment
  • Priority of preventive measures
  • Diligence
  • Monitoring and control

The persons who fall under anti-corruption measures of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC are the head of the organization and employees, regardless of their position and functions.

There are in BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC has adopted and operates the following documents:

Anti-Corruption Memorandum of “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC

Regulations on the Anti-Corruption Commission of “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC

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