
Non-destructive testing laboratory

About the laboratory

The unique advantage of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC in the market of the main pipeline construction is its own quality control Department in the company’s structure. This department is named as Non-destructive Testing Laboratory (NDTL). It conducts a number of tests at the construction site and guarantees high quality of project implementation at all its stages.

NDTL is a mandatory component for quality control and safety of construction, industry, and production.

Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC was founded under the name of the Quality control Section of the Trust “Beltruboprovodstroy” on September 7, 1983 by the order of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the USSR.

Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC is the only laboratory in Belarus that has the resources to control construction work in the field of main pipelines. For decades of its work at Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC there is a unique complex of equipment for monitoring the construction of industrial facilities has been collected in our country. Having a huge experience in working at the CIS-projects  and highly qualified stuff Non-destructive testing laboratory has gained the trust of such industrial giants as GAZPROM, ROSNEFT, etc.

Principles of work

In its work, Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC is based on the principles of neutrality, objectivity and independence from the customer, the contractor and any commercial, financial, administrative or other pressure.

In compliance with the obligations of international quality system standards, Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory operates in accordance with international standards and constantly improves its efficiency by improving the skills of its staff. Most of the laboratory’s specialists are certified to work at facilities not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe.

testing works
Permits For Belarus

Objects of control

The main tasks of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory are the organization and implementation of quality control during welding and insulation works at the construction sites.

There are objects, which are under control of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory:

  • gas distribution system and gas consumption facilities, gas pipelines
  • main pipelines
  • technological pipelines and technological equipment
  • steam and hot water pipelines, heating networks.

The work of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC is aimed at:

  • welds
  • main metal
  • non-metallic (insulation) coatings
  • selection of control samples of welds

Functions of the laboratory

Specialists of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory perform non-destructive and destructive quality control of welding and insulating works using the following methods:

Nondestructive types of control and testing:

  • Optical control (visual method, external inspection and measurement). This type of research is applied to both welds and the main metal
  • Radiographic inspection (gamma-ray flaw detection, X-ray flaw detection). It is used for the monitoring of welds
  • Ultrasonic flaw detection (echo method). The ultrasonic method of reflected radiation is used for the control of welds, the ultrasonic thickness measurement – for the basic metal.
  • Eddy current method
  • Substances penetrating (capillary)
  • Electric spark method – for quality control of the insulation coating
  • Electromagnetic method (thickness measurement, steel adhesion)

Destructive types of control and testing:

  • Mechanical tests (static stretching test, static bending test). They are used for the monitoring of both welds and the main metal.

The laboratory staff and equipment

All the employees of our Laboratory are the specialists in the field of non-destructive testing of the III-II level of qualification. They are certified in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 9712 and perform the works within their competence.

The laboratory’s compliance with the established requirements is confirmed by the certificate of accreditation GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019. Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory has a special license for the right to perform activities using of atomic energy sources of ionizing radiation, which gives the right to operate and store radiation devices.

The Laboratory is equipped with modern equipment that allows carry out non-destructive testing in a full range. In the arsenal of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory, there are radiographic crawlers of the JME 10-60 and JME 24-72 types, which allow control of main pipelines quality with a diameter of 254 to 1828 mm. While ultrasonic testing, mobile portable flaw detectors of the GE USM GO+type are used. While conducting magnetic particle flaw detection, MR 56 V42 flaw detectors are used. Non-destructive testing equipment passes the planned verification (calibration) in a timely manner, which eliminates the chances for unreliable control test results.

The value of control for the customers

The control of Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory at the construction stage is beneficial, first of all, to the Client/Customer for a number of reasons. The quality control performed in time helps:

  • to increase the level of safety during future object operation
  • to make the final acceptance of construction works easier
  • to save money and time by not involving the sided organizations for control the quality of performed services
  • to prevent the occurrence of possible emergencies
  • to identify already existing defects at the initial stages of their development
  • to assess the level of danger of the existing defects in adequately manner
  • to determine compliance with the current rules and quality standards
Pipeline construction

Based on the principle of independence in their work, the Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory specialists can use their right to suspend the production of welding and insulation works in cases when the quality of construction is low or the technology is violated.

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