
Customer reviews

Construction of main pipelines customer reviews

In the period from December 2019 to September 2020, Beltruboprovodstroy as a general contractor has carried out a complex of construction and installation works for the construction of the facilities “Expansion of gas gathering station. Construction of gas plumbing pipelines of Pribug UGS” and “Reconstruction of inhibitor feeding system of Pribug UGS”. Works management on the objects was provided with observance of construction terms and contract obligations. The performed work complied with design estimates and technical regulations in the area of construction. During the construction and installation works the necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure timely commissioning of the facilities were taken.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus JSC

Beltruboprovodstroy, as a general contractor, in the periods from June 2019 to May 2020 and from June 2021 to December 2021 carried out a complex of works on the project “Overhaul of the main gas pipeline Torzhok-Minsk-Ivantsevichi”. The civil and erection works are duly performed within the terms and conditions stipulated by the contract in accordance with the schedule, design estimates, specifications and acting regulatory documents according to the Quality Management System to the international standards ISO-9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, introduced and certified at the Company in compliance with the norms and rules of labour protection, industrial and fire safety.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus JSC

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC, as the general Сontractor, in the period from June to December 2018, completed works on the construction of the object “Overhaul of the Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi main gas pipeline” and “The Ivatsevichi-Dolina main gas pipeline”. Requirements of the technical regulatory acts and the construction time regulations were met. The work was carried out in accordance with the design and estimate documentation.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus JSC

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC, as the general Сontractor, in the period from June to December 2018, completed works on the construction of the object “Overhaul of the Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi main gas pipeline” and “The Ivatsevichi-Dolina main gas pipeline”.

Requirements of the technical regulatory acts and the construction time regulations were met. The work was carried out in accordance with the design and estimate documentation.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus JSC

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has completed a range of works on the construction of “Main oil product pipeline Ufa – West Direction” with a total length of 24 kilometers. In the performing welding and installation works, the mechanized welding equipment was used.

The construction and installation works were carried out in accordance with all the requirements of the design and estimate documentation, as well as with the regulatory and technical documentation of Transneft PJSC.

Transneft PJSC (Russia)

In the period from September 2016 to November 2017 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has completed a full range of works on the construction of the project “The reconstruction of main oil pipeline Unecha-Mozyr”.

The construction and installation works were carried out in contractual terms and proper quality, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO.

Gomeltransneft Druzhba JSC (Belarus)

In the period from December 2017 to June 2018 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has completed construction and installation works at the facility “The construction of gas service pipe and GDS Acron”

The construction of the object carried out in the difficult conditions of water logging of the track. The welding works were carried out in accordance with all the requirements of Gazprom PJC. The control was held by the Beltruboprovodstroy non-destructive testing laboratory and a constructing control department of the Customer. The construction and installation works were carried out in contractual terms and proper quality, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO-9001.

Acron PJSC (Russia)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from May 2017 to March 2018 completed welding and installation works on the construction of the object “The Uhta-Torzhok main gaspipeline System”.

Welding and installation works were carried out in proper quality according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, in the contractual terms and production schedule, in accordance with the design and estimate documentation and legislative technical regulations.

Neftegazkomplektmontazh LLC recommends Beltruboprovodstroy JSC as a reliable, high-qualified and responsible Contractor, who is able to answer Customers demands quickly and efficiently.

Neftegazkomplektmontazh LLC (Russia)


Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from March to November 2016  has completed construction and installation works on the object “The main oilpipeline Disna – Ilukste DN500. Underwater crossingover the River Disna. reconstruction”.

All the works were carried out in proper quality according to the project and current technical normative ats, in contractual terms.

ZAPAD-Transnefteproduct UE (Belarus)

Customer reviews of distribution pipeline construction

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from July 2012 to December 2014 has completed a full range of works of the construction of the project “The reconstruction of gas service pipe and GDS Brest-1”.

All the works were carried out in proper quality, according to the design and estimate documentation and legislative technical regulations in contractual terms and approved schedule.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from September to December 2014 has completed a full range of works on the construction of the project “The construction of gas service pipe and GDS Zhlobin-2”.

All the works were performed in proper quality, according to the design and estimate documentation and legislative technical regulations, with the reducing of the normative period of execution from 8 to 4 months and in approved schedule.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from August to December 2015 has completed a full range of works on the construction of the project “The construction of gas pipe GDS Mohilev-3 – GDS Mohilev-1”.

All the works were performed in proper quality, according to the design and estimate documentation and legislative technical regulations, with the reducing of the normative period of execution from 9 to 5 months and in approved schedule.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus


Customer reviews of the construction of crossings using the Directional Drilling method

Beltruboprovodstroy performed from May to December 2021 within the project “Overhaul of the underwater crossing of the Tab-Yakha river for “Gazprom dobycha Urengoi” in 2020-2021” the works on the underwater crossing construction by directional drilling (HDD) method.
The work was carried out in the far north in difficult geological conditions. Beltruboprovodstroy proved to be responsible and competent contractor. The works have been performed within the contractual deadlines, with the provision of necessary documentation and in compliance with the requirements of existing normative and technical documentation.

“Gazprom dobycha Urengoi”


Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “Main gas pipelines system Ukhta – Torzhok. 2 line (Yamal)” in the period from May 2017 to March 2018 has completed a full range of works on the construction of the underwater gaspipeline crossing over the River Malaya Severnaya Dvina using the  Directional Drilling.

The work was carried out in difficult geological conditions, in a very tight schedule. The construction was complicated by water logging, the presence of soils flow, high environmental requirements.

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC performed all the construction-installation works in proper quality, with performing all the necessary documentation and meeting the requirements of legislative technical regulations, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO-9001.

Employees of Beltruboprovodstroy JSCshowed a high level of professionalism, qualification and experience.

Neftegazkomplektmontazh LLC (Russia)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “The oil condensate pipeline from the Valazhin field of the East-Urengoy Section to AI Zapolyarnoye” in the period from February to May 2017 has completed the construction of the oil pipeline crossing over the River Pur. While the crossing performing there was directional drilling method used. The construction of the crossing was implemented by own Contactor sources, using Prime Drilling PD400 complex. Taking into account the prompt execution of drilling and laying works we express our gratitude to Beltruboprovodstroy JSC. We consider that human and technical resources of the Contractor allow him to perform the same large crossing by using Directional Drilling.

Rospan International JSC (Russia)


Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “Expansion of the Bulgartransgaz gas transportation infrastructure, which running parallel to the northern main pipeline to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, stage: “Linear part” Number 180-100” in the period from July to September 2020 succeeded in the construction of the gas pipeline crossings through the River Lom using the Direct Pipe and through the River Yantra using the Direct Drilling methods.

The crossing under the River Yantra was performed in difficult geological conditions (in the ground there were hard formations of coal layers found), the complete process of direct drilling took 26 days.

Arkad Engineering & Construction Company notes, that the qualification of the engineering staff was high, equipment was modern, the works were based on an effective health and safety management system and environmental protection. The construction of underwater crossings was completed within the contractual terms and with the proper quality, according to the project documentation and the current normative and technical documentation, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.

Arkad Engineering & Construction Company (Bulgaria)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “Main gas pipeline (interconnector) border with Bulgaria – border with Hungary” in the period from April to November 2019 has constructed 9 gas pipeline crossings and 10 crossings in the safety cases through the water obstacles by using the Directional Drilling and also 1 crossing over the Danube River by using the Direct Pipe Technology.

The work was carried out in difficult geological conditions (in the ground there were hard formations of coal layers found) in a very tight schedule. IDC d.o.o. notes the high qualification of the engineering staff of Beltruboprovodstroy JSC and its modern equipment. The works were based on an effective health and safety management system and environmental protection. The construction of underwater crossings was completed within the contractual terms and with the proper quality, in accordance to the project documentation and the current normative and technical documentation, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.

Infrastructure Development and Construction d.o.o. (Serbia)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from August 2017 to March 2018 completed the full range of works of the project “The reconstruction of main gas pipeline”Kohtla-Yarve-Leningrad”, including the construction of the crossing through the River Luga by using the Directional Drilling.

All the works were completed according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001. Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has completed the works in proper quality, in the terms, fixed in the contractual agreement, with performing all the necessary documentation and meeting the requirements of legislative technical regulations.

Gazstroyproekt JSC (Russia)


Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the period from November 2015 to March 2016 has performed works at the project “Reconstruction of the underwater crossing of the main oil pipeline “Mozyr – Brest” DN600 and DN800 through the Glinitskoye Pond with the pipe replacement”.

The full range of works on the installation of two oil pipelines including the performing of two crossings over the Glinitskoye Pond using the Direct Drilling method.

All the works performed in proper quality, with the accordance to the project and the current normative and technical documentation, in the contract agreed terms.

Gomeltransneft Druzhba JSC (Belarus)

Customer reviews of the Direct Pipe technology

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “Main gas pipeline (interconnector) border with Bulgaria – border with Hungary” in the period from September to November 2019 succeeded in the construction of main gas pipeline crossing under the Danube River using the Direct Pipe trenchless method.

The total length of the crossing implemented by Contractor is 1402 m. The works were carried out by own sources of Beltruboprovodstroy JSC. The work was carried out in difficult geological conditions (in the ground there were hard formations of coal layers found) in a very tight schedule. IDC d.o.o. notes the high qualification of the engineering staff of Beltruboprovodstroy JSC and its modern equipment. The works were based on an effective health and safety management system and environmental protection. The construction of underwater crossings was completed within the contractual terms and with the proper quality, in accordance to the project documentation and the current normative and technical documentation, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.

Infrastructure Development and Construction d.o.o. (Serbia)


Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within the project “Expansion of the Bulgartransgaz gas transportation infrastructure, which running parallel to the northern main pipeline to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, stage: “Linear part” Number 180-100” in the period from July to September 2020 succeeded in the construction of the gas pipeline crossings through the River Lom using the Direct Pipe and through the River Yantra using the Direct Drilling methods.

The drilling through the Lom River using the Direct Pipe method was executed in 5 days only taking into account technological stops.

Arkad Engineering & Construction Company notes, that the qualification of the engineering staff was high, equipment was modern, the works were based on an effective health and safety management system and environmental protection. The construction of underwater crossings was completed within the contractual terms and with the proper quality, according to the project documentation and the current normative and technical documentation, according to the implemented at the enterprise quality management systems with international standards ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.

Arkad Engineering & Construction Company (Bulgaria)

Customer reviews of the construction using microtunnelling

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC completed the full range of works of the project “The reconstruction of the syphon of the main sewer collector D1500 – D1750 on the River Loshitsa”.

The works were carried out in the urban conditions, with the nearby presence of operating engineering communications and park area. While working Beltruboprovodstroy JSC showed good organizing of construction process, professionalism and efficiency in performing tasks. All the works were performed in proper quality, according to the design and estimate documentation and legislative technical regulations, in approved schedule.

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has all the necessary constructing machines and mechanisms, qualified stuff and certified engineering employers to perform the works.

ClassicStroyKomplekt LLC (Belarus)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC within “The project of housing construction of The Districs #21,22,23 in Zhlobin” has completed the full range of works in the construction of the main sewer collector using the microtunneling method.

The works were carried out in agreed terms, meeting all the technical requirements and standards. There are no claims to the quality of performed works.

ClassicStroyKomplekt LLC (Belarus)

Customer reviews of the construction of compressor stations

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC was entrusted to perform the range of construction and installation works at the project “The compressor station “Minskaya” of the main gas pipeline Yamal – Europe.

The works were completed in the contractual terms with the reducing of the normative period of execution from October 2005 to November 2006. All the works were completed in high quality, according to the project, technical, legislative standards and meeting the legal acts in ecological, environmental field and conservation of natural resources.

During the period of the Gas compressor station operating there have been no failures or other hidden defects detected in the part of Beltruboprovodstroy JSC constructed. On the compressor station construction of the Belarusian gas transporting complex there is Beltruboprovodstroy JSC, which constantly proves its reputation of a reliable Contractor and has all needed technical resources and qualified staff to perform contractual obligations.

Beltransgaz JSC (Belarus)

projects implemented

In 2018 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has completed a full range of construction and installation works at the project “The construction of an automobile gas filling compressor station in Molodechno”.

The works at the site were organized meeting of contractual terms and obligations. The works were performed according to the design and estimate documentation and normative legislative acts in the building field. While executing construction-installation works all the measures for commissioning the facilities in time were held.

Gazprom Transgas Belarus

Undergroung gas storages construction customers reviews

In 1976 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC commissioned first Belarusian underground gas storage in Mohilev region.

Since the moment the storage had been commissioned in warranty and post-warranty period of its operation there were no claims to Beltruboprovodstroy JSC in the part of the quality of performed works.

Beltransgaz JSC (Belarus)

In 2000 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC commissioned the Pribugh underground gas storage in the Brest Region. In 2004 Beltruboprovodstroy JSC started constructing of the building complex of the 3-rd stage, and in September of 2007- the 4-rd stage of the expansion of the storage.

All the works have been performed according to the projects, technical legislative acts, in high quality and agreed terms. Since 2000 and during all the period of storage operating there had been no failures in its functioning including the hidden parts of the equipment in the part of Beltruboprovodstroy JSC constructed.

Beltransgaz JSC (Belarus)

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC for the long time acts as a General Contractor at the most construction sites of Beltransgas projects, such as the Pribugh UGS in the Brest Region, the Mozyr UGS in the Gomel Region.

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC as a General Contractor, has enough experience in the construction of technical complex facilities, sufficient number of qualified employers, engineering staff of a high level, and modern equipped fleet.

Beltransgaz JSC (Belarus)

Customer reviews of the construction of tank farms and oil pumping stations

Beltruboprovodstroy JSC performs the reconstruction of operating Novopolotsk tank farm from May 2010.

In November 2010 all the works have been completed. The works have been performed in a proper quality, in accordance with design and estimate documentation.

Belarusneft UE

Over the years, Beltruboprovodstroy JSC has gained a strong reputation as a reliable Contractor among Belorussian, Russian and European Customers and Partners. The world’s leading oil and gas companies, such as GAZPROM, ROSNEFT, TRANSNEFT and many others entrust us with their facilities and, in a result, speak about high quality of the projects our company has implemented.

Dozens of reviews of the completed pipeline construction works confirm the high level of experience and expertise of our company.

Dear partners! Our company looks to the future with confidence and is ready for any challenges that new objects introduce to us. While being the industry leader, we take on tasks that require an unconventional approach and revolutionary solutions with great interest. BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY will be glad to see you among our colleagues and associates.

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