For our company there is a new project ahead
“Beltruboprovodstroy” JSC starts construction work on the new facility in Republic of Belarus.
Gazprom Transgaz Belarus LLC has entrusted our company with the functions of the General Contractor in the project “Reconstruction of the Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi main gas pipeline” 1 line. 1 stage”.
“Beltruboprovodstroy” JSC will be responsible for the replacing the pipe in the part of the gas pipeline to the north of the Orsha Sity (Vitebsk Region). The section of mine pipeline entrusted to our company is 12.8 km long. The construction works will be carried out on laying the linear part of the pipeline and implementing of several crossings through:
4 automobile roads (3 crossings will be constructed in the open method, 1 – in the closed method using auger drilling technology)
the Pochalitsa River (in an open method)
the railway (in a closed method using auger drilling technology)
1 water channel and 1 water stream (in an open method)
Diameter of gas pipe that will be used is 1220 mm.
Construction work will begin on June 1, 2021. The contract term for the execution of construction and installation works is 11 months.
The main gas pipeline “Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi” was put into operation in 1974. The gas pipeline was the largest gas transportation system in the former Soviet Union. Thanks to this system the gas from the Western Siberia fields has become available to belarusian consumers in the 1970s.
Beltruboprovodstroy JSC had already worked on the reconstruction of this facility in 2019 and 2020. For Gazprom Transgas Belarus LLC that project strengthened the Beltruboprovodstroy reputation as a reliable contractor that fulfills its obligations efficiently, in full and on time.
*the photos are for illustrative purposes only