
Supporting innovations and ecology

In December 2018, the commissioning of the first compressed natural gas filling station of the Republic of Belarus was held in Molodechno (Minsk Region). Its construction had been  carried out by BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC by the order of our partner Gazprom Transgaz Belarus JSC.

The ambitious ecological project of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus was to build a countrywide network of ecological friendly stations – autonomous gas filling points in Belarus. The initiative for refuelling vehicles equipped with gas engine and running on “green” compressed natural gas (methane) was adopted in 2016.

Construction of the first pilot station in Molodechno started in July 2018. The location of this CNG filling station was not chosen by chance – it was to provide eco-gas for transport in the direction of the Lithuanian border in order to seamlessly reach the next CNG filling station located in Vilnius.

BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC was chosen as the general contractor for the entire range of construction work. In just 6 months, the BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY teams has built all the components of the facility: connection unit, compressor unit, CNG treatment unit, accumulation unit, reduction unit, installation and connection of gas-filling columns.

Molodechno automobile gas-filling compressor station has 2 two-line two-post gas-filling columns for cars and one dedicated column for high-speed refueling of trucks and mobile gas-fillers. The capacity of the station is up to 800 cubic metres of “eco-gas” per hour and up to 125 refuellings per day.

In December 2018, the first CNG filling station in Molodechno was commissioned in the presence of members of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC and Gazprom Transgaz Belarus JSC management. 

Look at the video from the opening ceremony of Molodechno automobile CNG filling station (in Russian language):


*the photos are for illustrative purposes only

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