Policy in the field of quality, occupational health and safety and environmental protection
BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC is aware that sustainable development and prosperity of the organization, successful implementation of the projects depend on timely and full compliance with consumer requirements, legislative and other mandatory requirements governing the construction of main gas pipelines, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines, engineering networks and communications, facilities and structures.
Management of “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC defines the main strategic objectives of the organisation’s activity:
- to confirm and strengthen the image of the leading oil and gas construction company of the Republic of Belarus and to enter the markets of other countries;
- to establish long-term partnerships with leading oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation and Europe;
- creation of competitive, highly effective organisation, which is always one step ahead of any changes and ensures high quality of work, safe working conditions, environmental protection;
- developing the intellectual potential of staff, the implementation of socially oriented programmes and the transition to a project management model.
The management of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY undertakes to implement the priorities by:
- improving and enhancing the effectiveness of management systems based on international standards ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001;
- complying with the requirements of international agreements, contractual obligations, legislation of the country where the construction is held in the field of quality, labour protection and environment protection, technical regulations, project documentation and other mandatory requirements;
- systematic management of the company; making decisions on the basis of factual data analysis, risk and opportunity assessment, identification of the reasons for inconsistencies and their impact on quality, environmental safety, life and health of employees, customer satisfaction;
- using the changes as new challenges and opportunities for sustainable development, striving for impeccable business operations, foresight and flexible management;
- ensuring accurate compliance of the performed design works with the requirements of the NAP, TNPA, improvement of the process of development of the design documentation through the implementation of contracts on time;
- continuous improvement of employees’ professional competence; involvement of each employee in activities to minimise risks and prevent the threat of occupational injuries, occupational diseases, and environmental damage;
- informing employees and maintaining in the form of an open dialogue on quality, occupational health and safety with all stakeholders;
- implementation of modern equipment and advanced technologies aimed at: improving the quality of work performed, labour productivity, safety of production processes and reducing the impact on the environment;
- reduction of pollutant emissions, waste generation, as well as rational use of natural and fuel-energy resources;
- improvement of prophylactic work on prevention of occupational traumatic injuries, professional diseases, improvement of working conditions and environmental conditions;
- compliance with obligations to employees under current legislation, collective and employment agreements, application of reliable management practices with maximum respect for the person.
The management of “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC realizes its responsibility for:
- implementation of this Policy;
- creating environment for productive work of the staff;
- financing programs and activities aimed at improving the quality of work and services, environmental safety, health and safety and encourages all staff of the Company and organizations involved in the implementation of the contracts to follow the adopted Policy of “BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY” JSC in the field of quality, health and safety and environment protection.