Yamalo-Nenets District struggles with severe frosts
BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC continues implementation of works on the project “Construction of an interfield gas pipeline and oil pipeline of the Severo-Komsomolsky field” in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The project for the construction of three closed pipeline crossings over the Pur River and the laying of two lines of the main oil and gas pipeline has been commissioned by SevKomNefteGaz LTD.
After the construction of the closed pipeline crossings using directional drilling technology in the first half of 2021, the laying of the linear part of the pipelines is scheduled for the autumn-winter period of 2021-2022.
At the moment, the qualified team of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY is concentrated here to carry out the remaining scope of work in challenging weather and geological conditions.
Over the last few weeks, welding, insulation and installation work has been hampered by the critically low temperatures prevailing in the construction region. The bad weather has forced constant monitoring and adjustment of the work schedule. For some days the temperature was kept below the mark of -40 degrees and our workers had to pause the construction process for that period. Thanks to the experience of the BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY team the critical low temperature had no any consequences for both human and technical resources of ours.
At this stage of the project, the main focus of our staff is on welding. The work of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY welding crews now is organised in 2 shifts. Welding at the site is carried out by using semi-automatic method with partial use of arc method. Our northern welding crews have powerful and reliable Arcotrac (Germany) and Caterpillar welding machines DC-400 (USA) in their arsenal. Loading operations are carried out by pipelayers and hoisting machinery of German machine-building company Liebherr.
Despite the fact that weather conditions make adjustments to the work schedule, site managers inform that the works are being carried out within the approved plan.
*the photos are for illustrative purposes only