
Benefits of the Direct Pipe technology

What is the Direct Pipe process essence?

Direct Pipe is a technology for underground laying of large-diameter steel pipes during a one-stage operation. At the same time as the borehole is being formed, a pre-assembled and tested pipeline is installed.

The trenchless pipe-laying technology Direct Pipe, developed by the German giant Herrenknecht, has combined the advantages of two traditional technologies – economy of the microtunnelling method and efficiency of  the directional drilling.

Since its development in 2007, the Direct Pipe technology has already revolutionised the pipeline construction industry and raised this complex and costly process to a new level. Experts  already confirm that due to its high quality and speed, the technology will become a confident alternative to common methods.

The Direct Pipe Technology description

The Direct Pipe technology allows the formation of a borehole and the laying of pre-welded and tested pipe in one single step. This means that the pipes can be installed quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

The drilling force is generated by a special pre-pulling unit – truster, which is located at the start pit. The technological process is controlled remotely by sensors, radars, transport and communication lines installed inside the equipment shield and the working plant.

Sludge and bentonite lines are also located there. The soil extracted from the borehole during drilling is transported to the surface and then to the separation unit. In the separation unit, the mud solution is cleaned and fed back into the working system.

All processes are automated and controlled by a specialist from the control cabin. Except ruling the work of the shield he also control the drilling navigation and the operability of all equipment components.

The pipe attached to the microtunnel shield is laying to the bore in piercing way. That process needs no large number of specialists, because it is conducted by remote automatic technology.

Advantages of Direct Pipe Technology

Except the obvious cost and time savings which the customers gain when choosing the Direct Pipe method, there are some less obvious, but equally important, advantages of Direct Pipe.

One is the Direct Pipe construction requires no large construction area. To perform works you will need only area around the launch pit, and its much smaller comparing to other traditional methods of main pipeline construction. The technology also needs not much space for pipe storage – Direct Pipe uses the pipes in small sections so that they requires no extra space. The technology is suitable for use in densely populated areas, nature conservation region and urban infrastructure.

The laying of the pipe attached to the microtunnel shield is performed remotely and does not require a large number of specialists. The process meets high health and safety requirements.

Pipe-laying does not cause any damage to the biosphere, roadways or other parts of the street infrastructure. This facts make the process of  obtaining approvals for construction from supervisory and regulating authorities much easier and faster.

The Direct Pipe trenchless construction method may be applied practically in any geological and technical conditions, which considerably increases the potential for its application.

The Direct Pipe: where it is used?

Direct Pipe is used for construction of large diameter pipelines under artificial and natural obstacles, rivers, communications, forests, in urban infrastructure, airfields, under objects of nature conservation and historical heritage.

Our company BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY has serious experience and expertise in using of Direct Pipe technology. We do not only use the method for the most demanding projects, but also do huge scientific and practical work for the adapting the Direct Pipe technology for the implementing in the conditions of northern regions.

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