
One more project has been completed

From June to November 2021 BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY teams have carried out a complex of repair and construction works under the project of the customer  “Gazprom Transgas Belarus” JSC “Reconstruction of the main gas pipeline “Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi”, 1st line. 1 stage. 1 start-up complex”.

reconstruction sheme

According to the order BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY JSC carried out dismantling and replacement/construction works of 12.83 km of pipeline in the “Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi” linear part that running to the north of Orsha City (Vitebsk region, Belarus). Due to design documentation there also 5 open crossings and 2 closed crossings of the pipeline were performed. Both closed pipeline crossings were implemented by using auger drilling technology (under the automobile and railway roads).

The diameter of the pipeline constructed is 1220 mm. For the performing of the closed pipeline crossings the cases with diameter 1420 mm have been used.

The works were completed ahead of schedule: the planned period of construction works of 11 months was reduced to 7 months due to the experience of BELTRUBOPROVODSTROY construction teams. In total, for the project performing there more than 120 specialists and 70 units of specialised equipment were involved.

The Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi main gas pipeline has been put into operation for the first time in 1974. Since that time “Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi” is still one of the largest gas arteries on the Eurasian continent, thanks to which high quality gas from the fields of Western Siberia became available to Belarusian consumers in the 1970s.

Since 2018, BELTRBOPROVODSTROY has been Gazprom Transgaz Belarus’ main contractor for reconstruction work at the Belarusian section of the Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi gas pipeline.

*the photos are for illustrative purposes only

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